Dillon 10# PR @ 285##cvsc #cachevalleybarbell #crossfit @dillonedelen March 15, 2014 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
Unplug, reflect and hit the reset button. So long LA.#nofilter #cvsc #cachevalleybarbell #optccp #AlwaysLearning February 17, 2014 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
If you want to do anything, you find a way. If you don't want to do anything, you'll find an excuse. -OPTFebruary's to-do list: Be Better!#cvsc #EducateAndInspire February 01, 2014 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
A quiet/clean gym makes for a productive morning.#cvsc #sundayritual #nextmonthsprogramming #optccp #programdesign #personaltrainer #bulletproofcoffee #gains #hashtaggingtohashtag January 26, 2014 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
Always nice to get the band back together..even if it's for just a few hours. @TRLteerich#cvscOG's January 19, 2014 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
A Friday night..supporting one of our own. #ogarstrong #cfcommunity #cvsc @primalasjacob @crossfituac @barbellsforboobs January 17, 2014 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
Coach Brody taking a breather..rough life.#cvsc @dillonedelen @bunnelli @chelseaf4 January 04, 2014 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
Hill sprints! @ckchlarson#cvsc #PoseShoeing #HumanIditarod December 21, 2013 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
There are plenty of ways to get strong without necessarily requiring massive loads, just your body and a small (er) external load. Keep your elbows in, your body tall and rigid, and perform a full range of motion. Technique and quality will always be paramount.#cvsc #longevity #TrainSmart December 17, 2013 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
Congrats to those who participated in our, "Squats for Tots" fundraiser this morning! 100% of the proceeds were donated to a family in need. The workout was..squats, every min on the min. Top air-squatters: Kate Black- 666 Roy Fetzer- 705#cvsc #crossfitcommunity #neonvibe #airsquats December 14, 2013 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
I want to thank CVSC. There are so many people that inspire me each day. I'm blessed to see hundreds of clients on a day to day basis. These clients are waking up each day and making the choice to live differently. They are working against societal norms by choosing to train differently, eat differently and engage in a community approach to health. Awesome group this morning! Be safe and Happy Thanksgiving!! #cvscfamily November 28, 2013 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
Proud of these two, they represented well! 6 grueling workouts later, they look pretty dang good.Em B. 3rd placeMason H. 6th place#cvsc #blacksheepinvitational@bunnelli November 09, 2013 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
Tough session..well done! @ckchlarson #cvsc #300fy #satanstricycle #BestSeatInTheGym November 06, 2013 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
Who's the first to 300? Nice effort out of Brach this morning..post workout.#300fy #cvsc #crossfitusu November 02, 2013 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
1st attempt @ max cals in 10 min. Nearly 5 hrs to recover..really shows I lack in that time domain/intensity.# 300fy#cvsc#opt October 28, 2013 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
THANK YOU to all of our amazing athletes who participated in and donated to our 'B4B' event! With over 70 people completing 'Grace' and 'Helen' (most did both!) October 26, 2013 / cvscadmin categories / Photos
USU PE 10:30 am crew..getting after it!@usucampusrec#cvsc#aggielife October 23, 2013 / cvscadmin categories / Photos