Cache Valley Strength & Conditioning

Established in 2008, CVSC is Cache Valley’s premier training facility with services ranging from personal training, program design, athletic team conditioning, HyperFit group classes and more.

May Featured Athlete: Bonnie Summers

photo 1. How did you find out about CrossFit?

I found out about Crossfit from my two nieces who had been going.  (Ashley and Jenny)  Ash's sister Wendy was a trainer and so strong!


2. What is your favorite Crossfit exercise or WOD?

My favorite WOD was not Filthy Fifty!  At first I didn't love any WOD but within a few months I was glad to be working hard and getting stronger.  I enjoyed Murph and I also enjoyed learning double unders.  Wall Balls are still low on my list.


3. How long have you been CrossFitting for?

I have been Crossfitting since July 2009--the longest that I have stayed with any one workout!


4. What do you do for a living?

I am a rancher and a mom.  Not necessarily in that order--except during calving season.


5. What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are riding horses, and spending time with my family, quilting, cross-stitching, running, reading, and cooking.


6. What are your goals?

My goals are to be better and stronger every day in every aspect of my life.


7. Why do you CrossFit?

I Crossfit so I can be strong enough to keep up with my kids, my hired man, and continue to enjoy my ranch life!


8. Any advice for future CrossFitters?

My advice for future Crossfitters is to start and then keep working!  Don't be discouraged.  The workout is not the enemy, your bad habits- both eating and fitness- are and you will be better for any effort, so why not make it your best effort!  Enjoy the ride,  you are worth it