"T" Talks About Her Regionals Experience
Tara Alder 7th: Crossfit Elevated Competition 2009
1043rd overall, 104th in South West Region 2011 Open Sectional WODS
Can’t remember: CFCV Team at 2011 Regionals
1177th overall, 96th in South West Region 2012 Open Sectional WODS
15th: CVSC team at 2012 Regionals
4 years: Crossfit
What motivated you to compete in Regionals?
To be honest with you… my husband. Every year I debate whether or not to compete but he is always signing me up! I love/hate him for it every year! I am being serious about this… I don’t even know my login or password to get on the games sight… hahahahhaha!
I truly love competing but absolutely hate how I become a nervous wreck (this is why I am always hesitant). I have always been this way. Before big games in college or even races which I am not even trying to win. I can never sleep the night before and I always feel like I am going to puke. This is exactly how I feel every time I compete in a Crossfit competition. I can’t eat a thing, the very sight of food makes me sick!
I have a point to this. I think every crossfitter should compete in at least one crossfit competition in their lifeJ We all get nervous in different ways but fear should never hold you back. You have to just tell yourself that it doesn’t matter how you do as long as you did your best. Each of you are at the gym everyday challenging yourself and putting in hard work. Why not challenge yourself to a friendly competition in one of the local gyms or sectionals. After almost every competition I have done I am always grateful to my husband for just making me take the plungeJ But I am especially thankful to him this year because this year by far was the most fun I have ever had competing (I didn’t puke)! So much fun I might start signing some of you up!!! Hahahahahaha!
How did your performance go in the workouts? ..if team, what wods did you do?
First off I have to say “Great Job” to all of my teammates! It was a team effort and I think we did exceptionally wellJ I had a blast with each and every one of you! We all brought a little something different to the team and it showed in our performances!!!
I did works outs 1,2,4 and 5.
WOD #1: Partner Deadlifts and Handstand pushups!
Nervous as all get up our team started Event 1 in Heat 1. We were the first to go and it was time to set the tone for the entire weekend! 3, 2, 1 GO! Mason and Travis run to the partner deadlift and kill it! Knocking out all 20 in a row and taking less than a minute to do their handstand pushups. Chels and I are off! The first to get to the Deadlift which neither of us had time to warm up with. Taking down all 20 at a time we were off to the handstand pushups.
We all worked super hard this year