The 11th Fitness Domain
"CrossFit is a core strength and conditioning program.We have designed our program to elicit as broad an adaptational response as possible. CrossFit is not a specialized fitness program but a deliberate attempt to optimize physical competence in each of ten recognized fitness domains. They are
1. Cardiovascular and Respiratory endurance
2. Stamina
3. Strength
4. Flexibility
5. Power
6. Speed
7. Coordination
8. Agility
9. Balance
10. Accuracy"
- Greg Glassman from "Foundations" CrossFit Journal
The 10 fitness domains are well-known among CrossFitters as the parameters with which 'fitness' is measured and what cumulatively create a well-rounded athlete. When it comes to competitive CrossFit, serious weakness in any of these domains will prevent an athlete from excelling very far in a competition. Most of us can easily identify which of these are our strengths or weaknesses, but whom has the perspective to see they lack in what Invictus Athlete Justin Nahama calls the "11th fitness domain", self-confidence?
"What do Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Josh Bridges and Kris Clever all have in common – aside from being generally awesome and having a huge fan base? While these individuals, like each of us, differ in background, strengths, weaknesses, shape and size (see picture of Josh and Aja), they all share at least one common characteristic: the ability to maintain self-confidence in the face of adversity or “failure.”
Many are quick to point out their 'goats' in gymnastics or weightlifting or cardio but do we realize that our negative self-talk may be our biggest weakness?
"Whether it is in the gym, at work or at home, it will happen. The opportunity for negative self-talk will invariably ensue and you will be at a crossroads. The easy and tempting path is to honor that negative self-talk, which is a road peppered with self-indignation and excuses."
Read Justin's full article here and remember that keeping a positive perspective, a strong mental fitness, will carry over to our personal & professional life in life-changing ways. Like all the muscles, you must exercise this skill to become better. Take the challenge to actively engage only in positive self talk for a week and see what strength can be gained.
A Case for the 11th Fitness Domain