Cache Valley Strength & Conditioning

Established in 2008, CVSC is Cache Valley’s premier training facility with services ranging from personal training, program design, athletic team conditioning, HyperFit group classes and more.

Post Workout Nutrition - Robb Wolf

  We'll keep this one simple. Nutrition is not just important, it is KEY in reaching your fitness goals. This post from Robb Wolf discusses in depth what sort of post-workout nutrition you should be aiming for. Its a bit of a read, but very worthwhile if you are serious about fueling yourself appopriately to your goals.

Should one use carbs post workout or not? If so how much, and when? Like a great number of situations, how we manage our post workout nutrition depends on where we are and where we want to go. If you have followed my previous ramblings you might be familiar with the orientation I use for most of my decision making: How does a given decision affect Performance, Health and Longevity. Similarly, how does a given decision affect how one looks, feels and performs? Given all this I’m going to tackle post workout nutrition (PWO) first from the perspective of shoring up health, then performance, then longevity.

via Post Workout Nutrition: High Or Low Carb?


And if you are more of a visual learner check out his Paleo Troubleshooting Guides


Here is an interesting nutrition post courtesy of The Poliquin Group called,

"Why Fat Is GREAT For You: Seven Tips For Eating Fat So You Lose Fat"

Often maligned and villanized as the cause for obesity and heart disease, good fats are actually essential to good health and body composition. Its important that you are getting the correct kind and that it is in conjunction with a non-inflammatory diet of low grain, whole food. The article covers several good sources of fat to include fish, coconut oil, avocados, grass-fed butter and more...

OMEGA 3's help you burn fat

"...Eating the omega-3 fats will raise energy expenditure, leading you to burn more calories than you would otherwise. For example, a study of overweight men found that when they increased their omega-3 intake from 0.43 g/day to 2.92 g/day, they experienced a 51 percent increase in the amount of calories they burned after eating. "

Pair with a  LOW CARB DIET for a healthy heart

"The fats highlighted here will improve insulin sensitivity, decrease inflammation, enhance cellular health and gene signaling, and support hormone balance. But they can't fix the damage that you do if you eat lots of carbs, trans-fats, or processed foods.

For example, recent research shows that it is carbohydrates, not fats, that elevate cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, contributing to the development of heart disease."


If you already have made the switch to healthy fats and low/no grain diet, and inevitably are questioned by friends and family how eating all that fat isn't making you fat, read up on Mark's Daily Apple on The "Top 7 Most Common Reactions to Your High-Fat Diet (and How to Respond). He talks more indepth on the common misconceptions about a high-fat Paleo/Paleoesque diet. Read up and eat up!

October Featured Athlete #2: Jodi West

1. How did you find out about Crossfit? I had heard about it from multiple people, but it was really my husband, Brady, that started looking into it and all the gyms available for us in Cache Valley.

2. What is your favorite Crossfit exercise or WOD? I enjoy the workouts that are circuit style, moving from one movement to the next. I feel that I get a good all over workout by doing so many movements in one workout. I also really enjoy workouts that include lifting a lot of weights.

3. How long have you been Crossfitting for? My husband and I have been coming to Crossfit together since August 2012, so just over a year.

4. What do you do for a living? I work at Bear River Association of Governments (BRAG). I do low-income assistance for families in crisis situations with their housing and utilities. I also coordinate the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program in Rich, Box Elder, and Cache Counties. I coordinate volunteers that are IRS trained to do basic tax returns for families.

5. What are your hobbies? I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I love to travel, especially to warmer places then Cache Valley! Summers are full of hiking and camp fires. Winters are full of cuddling in blankets with a good book. I like to give of my time to help others through volunteer work in the community and my church.

6. What are your goals? My dream is to someday be a mother. I love kids and would love to have the opportunity to raise them in a good home.

7. Why do you CrossFit? I Crossfit because I love the variety of cardio and weights. I’m able to do workouts with the group that I never would have been able to come up with on my own. I may not always love how I feel during a workout, but I love how I feel after. I sometimes feel that I have been pushed to the extreme and it is good to know what I can accomplish.

8. Any advice for future CrossFitters? Just do it! Make sure to eat healthy and drink a lot of water to keep hydrated. How you eat definitely effects how your workouts go. Be consistent. Once you start, try to stick to a good workout schedule.