Cache Valley Strength & Conditioning

Established in 2008, CVSC is Cache Valley’s premier training facility with services ranging from personal training, program design, athletic team conditioning, HyperFit group classes and more.

Filtering by Category: Mobility

How to Undo the Damage of Sitting

Courtesy of the Art of Manliness, comes 7 nicely illustrated exercises you can do on the daily to help relieve the pain and immobility that comes from your desk job. You don't have to do them in slacks & a button-up, but most are doable as work breaks or during commercials. Here's 3 to get you warmed up. Check out the rest at 7 Simple Exercise That Undo the Damage of Sitting.

"You actually don’t need a couch for this stretch, it just makes it a bit more comfortable (if that’s even possible). You can also do it on the floor by putting your knee against a wall.

For the “easy” version, place the knee of the leg you’re stretching against the back of your sofa. Place the foot of your other leg on the floor. Slowly raise your torso to a neutral spine position (i.e. standing straight and tall). As you raise your torso, squeeze your butt and abs. Hold the position for up to four minutes. Switch and repeat on the other leg."

"The Grok Squat is very similar to a catcher’s stance in baseball. Simply squat down until your butt touches your ankles. Keep your heels firmly on the ground and your back straight. Hold that position for 30-60 seconds. You should feel your hamstrings, quads, Achilles tendons, lower back, and groin gently stretching."


"Start by placing your leg on a tabletop (you could also use your bed) with the knee bent at 90 degrees. Place one hand on the table and one hand on your foot for support. Lean forward and hold for 60-90 seconds. Then lean left to the 10 o’clock position and hold for 60-90 seconds. Lean right to the 2 o’clock position and hold for 60-90 seconds. Repeat on the other leg."

Hips Don't Lie

If you are like the majority of today's workforce or students, you are sitting at a desk for hours a day. This usually means, 'tight' hips. Here's  8 great yoga moves that help loosen you up.

Basic Stretches For Tight Hips 


Try out a little quiet yoga morning routine (even 5 minutes is a great start to your day)  or incorporate a couple before a workout. Focus on your breathing & listen to your body - it shouldn't hurt!




Do you floss?


The dentist says you should floss everyday and KStar agrees.

Today's (belated) Mobility Monday post is all about a mobility tool outside of the popular lacrosse ball and foam roller. Voodoo Floss Bands. Voodoo Floss or Voodoo Bands is a fancy name for a long latex band used to compress and re-perfuse tissues and joints. A mobility weapon that helps an athlete enhance the benefits of stretching & 'unglue' their issues.

When wrapped around a joint or muscle, it creates compression around the site while you work through your range of motion. According to  Angus Certified, Voodoo Bands are effective tools for 4 reasons:

1) Restores sliding surfaces of the compressed and regional tissues being wrapped. (Like Self Inflicted ART)

2) Pushes swelling out of joints/tissues when used to treat in this way.

3) Re-perfuses tissues that have poor blood flow

4) Creates flexion gapping at joints like the elbow restoring normal joint motion.

via Angus

Read the full article below to learn about what exactly flossing is and get some instruction videos on how to use them.

How To Use a Voodoo Floss Band | Angus Certified.