Kurt Rashall
1. How did you find out about CVSC?
I have always known about your gym. I was first introduced to CrossFit when my wife started with Ryan Busenbark’s gym and I went there for almost 10 years with a couple of years in there where we moved away for a bit. Ryan had good things to say about your gym. A mistake of mine was when I stopped going to the gym. After more than a year I heard that Ryan sold UAC. At that point I had gained a lot of weight. I decided to get my act together and eat right. Once I lost a lot a weight I was looking for a gym to get back into. I remembered your gym from it only being a block or two away from where I work. I also know Will from Kitchen Kneads and he mentioned he had started back up at your gym and loved it. So I came by to check it out and decided to stay and it’s been awesome.
2. What is your favorite exercise or workout?
I don’t know specifically which workout is my favorite. I do like a work out with multiple movements and some type of cardio involving a machine. I do like to row. And after losing all my weight I actually like burpees. I hated them before.
3. How long have you been a member at CVSC?
I have now been a member of CVSC for a 1.5 years.
4. What do you do for a living?
I am the corporate property manager for Al’s Sporting Goods, Larsen Miller LLC., Bridgerland Square and Blue Spring Business Park.
5. What are your hobbies?
I love to backpack. It’s my favorite thing to do. I like to hike, camp, explore new areas, read westerns, wake boarding, snowshoeing, hunting, traveling and hanging out with my family.
6. What are your goals?
To maintain a healthy lifestyle that will allow me to live an active life and to enjoy my hobbies and family for years to come.
7. Why do you train?
Same answer as above. Plus, I love the challenges of the workouts. I enjoy the comradere and the people that are there. Unlike other gyms, it feels more like a family. A big reason I train is to keep me in good physical condition as I get older. 2 years ago I weighed 350 lbs and I felt awful. Now I weigh 205 and I feel great. For me my size never really mattered, it has always been about how I can function and what I can do physically. Changing how I eat and workout will help me live a longer more enjoyable lifestyle.
8. Any advice for future members?
Like myself, I always tried different ways to lose weight, exercise and to be healthy. Nothing ever stuck. It took being so out of shape that it wasn’t only affecting me, but everyone around me. I figured if I wanted to be able to live a longer, better life for my family I had to get my act together. I decided to just stick to a plan that would help me succeed long term and not short term. The plan was focused more on my health than the what the scale said. There are ups and downs but just keep following the plan. So I would say to never give up on goals. Adjust if necessary but don’t quit. And I do like the quote the gym has on the board by the daily workouts: “You can’t outwork a shitty diet”.