Danny and Lesli Macfarlane
1. How did you find out about CVSC?
I was introduced to the gym by my brother Jimmy Macfarlane. After attending for about 6 months I encouraged my wife Lesli to attend also.
2. What is your favorite exercise or workout?
Lesli and I both love the workouts that are AMRAP's with a good mix of strength and endurance. We both don't like burpees, but we love what burpees do for our bodies!
3. How long have you been a member at CVSC?
We have been members of the gym for about 3 years.
4. What do you do for a living?
Lesli is a full time mother (and she is really good at it) and I am a land developer and Dad.
5. What are your hobbies?
Lesli loves to exercise, sew, do interior design, bake, play the piano and be a mom. I love to ski, snowmobile, mountain bike, hike and boat.
6. What are your goals?
Our goals are to maintain good fitness and muscle mass as we age so that we can continue to participate in all of our hobbies well into our elderly years.
7. Why do you train?
We train because of the way it makes us feel. We love walking out of the 5:30 am class having just nailed a workout and headed home to conquer the day. It is a very empowering feeling. Also the strength has been a game changer for skiing and snowmobiling to avoid injuries. I believe that power cleans are the best workout to prepare for snowmobiling.
8. Any advice for future members?
For the first year we trained we weren't very consistent (maybe 2 times per week). Lesli and I have been consistently coming 4 days per week for the past 18 months and it has allowed us to make gains on our fitness. You pay the same amount each month so you might as well attend the gym as often as you can :)