Mobility for People Who Hate Mobility
Here's some pointers from a recent Catalyst Athletics article written by Mike Gray. A lot of us struggle with getting in mobility, and rarely does anyone have 30 minutes to sit on a foam roller pre or post workout. And frankly, that may not be the best use of your time. Mike has a few suggestions to make it as 'unpainful' and efficient as you can. Even incorporating it into your workout or workday.
1. Get loose before you actually train.
This can mean doing accessory work, stretching and range of motion movements at home or at your office in small time increments.
2. Use light weights (PVC even) of the movement you'll be doing today.
Working with #14 wallballs today? Start with air squats, move to a 10 lb wall ball first, doing some power cleans? Do your burgener warmup and drills with a PVC and/or empty bar before you ever grab a weight.
3. Stretch in between sets.
Instead of sitting on a bench or checking your phone every rest period, you can do some light stretching as you move through a workout.
4. Sit in the snatch. sit in the receiving position of the snatch for a 3-count. This will not only help your mobility, but it will also make you feel more comfortable in that position.
5. Try to fit it into your daily activities.
As Mike says, "Just buy into the fact this is something we have to do, like paying taxes and changing the oil on your car, and I can almost guarantee you it will make you a better lifter."
If you want to be a better athlete, and healthier person in general, just do it.
Read the full article here