Chris and Jenni Thornley
1. How did you find out about CVSC?
We first heard about CVSC over a decade ago when we first started CrossFit. Jen was at IOTA gym on the regional team and competed against CrossFit Cache Valley’s team. We have been to every single CrossFit gym in the valley. And after going to them all for long periods.. Cache Valley SC became our instant favorite. It was immediately clear that Brad knew how to program.. the environment is the most friendly and healthiest gym in the Valley by far!
2. What is your favorite exercise or workout?
Chris’ favorite workout is “Christine” 3 rounds of 500 meter row, 12 body weight deadlifts and 21 box jumps Jenni’s favorite work out is DT. 5 rounds of 12 Dead’s, 9 hang cleans and 6 push jerks.
3. How long have you been a member at CVSC?
We have been members for over 5 years now.
4. What do you do for a living?
Chris owns his own business and Jen has the greatest job in the world. Stay at home mom to our 6 children.
5. What are your hobbies?
Our hobbies include working out, hiking, travel, boating, riding motorcycles, our back yard and spending time with our children.
6. What are your goals?
To age gracefully, maintaining our active lifestyle
7. Why do you train?
We train for peace of mind and mental health! Our mental health when eating right and working out is night and day better than when we are eating badly and not fit.
8. Any advice for future members?
Start young and start slow. Do not trend diet or exercise! Make a lifetime commitment to over all peace and health and find that necessary balance in your life where you can stay active and eat healthy while still enjoying everything life has to offer.