Cache Valley Strength & Conditioning

Established in 2008, CVSC is Cache Valley’s premier training facility with services ranging from personal training, program design, athletic team conditioning, HyperFit group classes and more.

"T" Talks About Her Regionals Experience

 Tara Alder 7th: Crossfit Elevated Competition 2009

1043rd overall, 104th in South West Region 2011 Open Sectional WODS

Can’t remember:  CFCV Team at 2011 Regionals

1177th overall, 96th in South West Region 2012 Open Sectional WODS

15th: CVSC team at 2012 Regionals

4 years: Crossfit

What motivated you to compete in Regionals?

To be honest with you… my husband.  Every year I debate whether or not to compete but he is always signing me up!  I love/hate him for it every year!  I am being serious about this… I don’t even know my login or password to get on the games sight… hahahahhaha!

I truly love competing but absolutely hate how I become a nervous wreck (this is why I am always hesitant).  I have always been this way.  Before big games in college or even races which I am not even trying to win. I can never sleep the night before and I always feel like I am going to puke.  This is exactly how I feel every time I compete in a Crossfit competition.  I can’t eat a thing, the very sight of food makes me sick!

I have a point to this.  I think every crossfitter should compete in at least one crossfit competition in their lifeJ  We all get nervous in different ways but fear should never hold you back.  You have to just tell yourself that it doesn’t matter how you do as long as you did your best.  Each of you are at the gym everyday challenging yourself and putting in hard work.  Why not challenge yourself to a friendly competition in one of the local gyms or sectionals.  After almost every competition I have done I am always grateful to my husband for just making me take the plungeJ  But I am especially thankful to him this year because this year by far was the most fun I have ever had competing (I didn’t puke)!  So much fun I might start signing some of you up!!! Hahahahahaha!

How did your performance go in the workouts? ..if team, what wods did you do?

First off I have to say “Great Job” to all of my teammates!  It was a team effort and I think we did exceptionally wellJ  I had a blast with each and every one of you!  We all brought a little something different to the team and it showed in our performances!!!

I did works outs 1,2,4 and 5.

WOD #1: Partner Deadlifts and Handstand pushups!

Nervous as all get up our team started Event 1 in Heat 1.  We were the first to go and it was time to set the tone for the entire weekend!  3, 2, 1 GO!  Mason and Travis run to the partner deadlift and kill it!  Knocking out all 20 in a row and taking less than a minute to do their handstand pushups.  Chels and I are off!  The first to get to the Deadlift which neither of us had time to warm up with.  Taking down all 20 at a time we were off to the handstand pushups.

We all worked super hard this year

CVSC Memorial Day Hero WOD

Our thanks and our thoughts go out to all the servicemen and women, who are serving and have served on this very special American Holiday weekend. ‘murph’

1 mile run 100x pull-ups 200x push-ups 300x squats 1 mile run (Note: Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run.)

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

Compare to 5.30.11 here.

CVSC Committed Athlete – Jodi Bailey

Occupation: Director of Internal Audits at USU.

Type of training before CrossFit:

Prior to Crossfit, I was spending, at a minimum, an hour and a half every day with a combination of lifting and cardio machines. My first WOD was a 20 minute AMRAP. I remember thinking“WHAT? Only 20 minutes, no problem”……..and then I died at the 10 minute mark.

Favorite Workouts?

ANYTHING Tabata!  I can wrap my brain around going all out for 20 seconds.

I love Fight Gone Bad“ish” too.

Any hobbies you have outside of the gym?

Camping, jetskiing, biking, hiking, gardening….anything outdoors when the weather is warm.

Something about me that people at CVSC don’t know..

I was a chubby kid. I even had a cousin who used to call me ButterBall because I was a chub. I have to fight my genetic predisposition toward chubbiness and balance my love of chocolate – it’s a daily battle ;-P

Any words of advice for newer members at CVSC?

I have tried every other form of fitness conditioning there is – from aerobic classes, kickboxing, body sculpting (whatever that is??), you name it, I’ve tried it. I have never gotten the results that I have with CVSC! You have to do your part though. Proper nutrition is key to attaining and maintaining serious results.

Any other comments?

I love that I don’t have to figure out what I’m going to work on today (legs, back and bis, shoulders, etc). It’s all planned and programmed for me and the coaches keeping me up to par when I am slacking and my form is failing. Each day is new, different and challenging!

My absolute favorite thing about CVSC is the sense of community. I have lifelong friends from all walks of life that I would not have gotten the opportunity to know without the CVSC community.

Thanks again for all you do BT!

CVSC Committed Athlete – Jeremy Moon

Occupation: Associate Broker / Realtor at Parker Real Estate Services in Logan

Type of training before CrossFit:

If you don’t count the 4 year membership to Planet Fitness that never saw me set foot in their building a single time, it would have to be the 8 or 9 basketball games I played every winter which generally ended with some sort of injury. During golf season I played a lot of golf which took a fair amount of energy to get in and out of the cart…

Favorite Workouts?

This is an interesting question as it has changed over time.  I used to be really intimidated by the workouts and had a certain amount of anxiety over what I would see on the board in the morning.  Since Brad changed the programming last year, I have seen myself change mentally and physically.  I now feel a little like the planet fitness guy because I usually enjoy any WOD that requires picking things up and putting them down.  I also enjoy rowing and double unders and now look forward to the daily challenge that every workout presents.

Any hobbies you have outside of the gym?

I like spending time with my family and watching my kids grow up.  I enjoy golf most of the time.  Although it doesn’t happen often enough, I love being on an atv in the mountains somewhere.  I have a photography and graphic design business on the side and enjoy being behind a camera shooting people or places.

Something about me that people at CVSC don’t know..

I’m a  fan of Josh Groban’s music and if Brad would just give it a chance I know I would PR something that day…I would even sing along for everyone else to enjoy…

Any words of advice for newer members at CVSC?

Trust the programming. Trust your trainer. Don’t worry so much about your time and focus on doing things the right way. And put down the bag of cheetos.

Any other comments?

One of the great things about CVSC is the all-inclusive atmosphere.  It doesn’t matter what stage in your training you are, you feel welcome and encouraged.  For the past 2 years that I have been at CVSC, I have only ever attended the 8:15 classes.  The people there are like family and their encouragement helps me to work harder and continue to improve. Also, big thanks to Brad,Jami and the other trainers…you do an outstanding job!

Regionals & Group Class Schedule

CVSC is proud to be represented once again at the Crossfit Games Southwest Regionals to be held in Colorado on May 4-6, 2012. Gil H will be competing for a spot at the 2012 Crossfit Games in the Individual Men category and Team CVSC will be competing for a top Team spot at the Games.

Because most of CVSC staff will be traveling with our athletes, the CVSC Group Class Schedule will change a bit during the Regionals event:

  • Thursday, May 3, 2012: morning and noon classes only.
  • Friday, May 4, 2012: morning and noon classes only
  • Saturday, May 5, 2012: no classes
  • Sunday, May 6, 2012: no class

Normal class schedule resumes Monday, May 7, 2012.

For those who will not be making the trip to watch the Regionals event, you can keep up to date here.  You can also see updates on the CFCV Group Facebook page.

Good luck to all our athletes!

CVSC Committed Athlete - Kelly Kopp

Occupation: Professor at USU in the Plants, Soils & Climate Department, basically I’m a science nerd.  :-)

Type of training before CrossFit:

 I was a competitive swimmer in junior high and high school.  Once I got to college, I didn’t do much for a couple of years and then decided that running/cardio would be my thing.  Ugh.  I also did an occasional (wimpy) weight workout and played a few intramural sports.  Later I got more serious about running, did a marathon, and continued training at longer distances.  After a major running injury in 2004, I switched to triathlon.  Finally, Amy Croft started talking to me about trying CF.  She bugged me about it for a few months until I finally agreed to give it a try.  My first WOD was a (seriously) modified Tabata and I was stunned by how hard it was!  I will always owe Amy a great debt of gratitude for getting me started.

Favorite Workouts?

 I like burpees!!  Any WOD with burpees is fine by me.  Also the Filthy Fifty.  Clean and jerks also make me feel really tough, and I like that.

Any hobbies you have outside of the gym?

Anyone who’s seen my bruises, scrapes and sprains during the summer months knows I like to mountain bike.  I also ski and REALLY LOVE to backpack.  I try to take 1 or 2 week long trips and several weekend backpack trips each summer.  I love the idea of having everything I need to survive on my back.  I also travel a lot for work and like to drop in to CF boxes wherever I happen to be.  The most exotic CF I’ve visited so far was in Santiago, Chilé.  It’s a good story.  Ask me sometime!

Something about me that people at CVSC don’t know..

I was once a balloon handler in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Any words of advice for newer members at CVSC?

I always tell new folks that when I started, I could not even jump on the smallest box.  It also took me months to get pull-ups and double unders.  But it definitely gets better and you will be amazed at how YOU can change by sticking with it.  Notice that I didn’t say how your BODY can change.  While it’s true that physical changes definitely come with CF, the mental/emotional changes are equally amazing.  All that mountain biking and skiing I mentioned above?  Yeah, I wouldn’t have even tried any of that if I didn’t have the additional confidence that I’ve developed at CVSC.  I’ve also come to understand (and accept) that every workout is not going to produce a PR.  In fact, at times, I feel like I’m absolutely going backward!  But like so many things in life, our work at the box comes in waves.  There are ups and there are downs, but I’ve started paying more attention to what’s happening underneath all that.  My base level of fitness has never been better and it stays that way, even when I can’t work out for a while.  So stick with it!

 Also, about food….my eating has gone through the same evolution as my physical fitness at CVSC.  I started out dabbling with Zone and then added some Paleo ideas and have now landed at a dietary place that really works for me.  I’m not super strict Paleo, but it’s basically how I eat.  My point is that it takes some time to figure out what’s going to fuel your workouts and your life in the best way.  Paleo is a great place to start, IMHO.


Any other comments?

I’d also like to say a few words to the longer-term members of CVSC.  I’ve been around the box for about 3 ½ years now and I’ve had injuries, illnesses, work travel, and all sorts of other complications in my life during that time. I’ve also had the pleasure of talking with many of you about how you’re feeling about your fitness, your workouts, your eating, etc, and I have learned so much!  Sometimes I am motivated to get to the box just because I know I’ll get to see people I like so much!

 Another thing….my daughter Emma has been going to Youth Fit off and on for a long time, and I am happy that she exercises and is developing her physical skills.  But I am also happy that she gets to see CVSC’s strong, tough women (of ALL shapes and sizes) working hard, sweating and generally kicking butt.  You are all great role models!  Thank you!!

 And my (really) last word…’s impossible to fully express the gratitude that I feel toward Brad and all the CVSC crew for what they do.  Not only for myself, but for our community.  You guys are the BEST!  :-)

CVSC Committed Athlete - Jeff Simper

Occupation: I work for Icon Health & Fitness where I am a Senior Buyer purchasing a wide variety of exercise equipment mainly from China and other Asian countries.

Type of training before CrossFit:

I spent too much time jogging or walking on an incline trainer seeing little result and dreading everytime I thought of my next workout….. Blah… I believe one should not run unless something dangerous is chasing you but I have yet to convince BT. I’ll continue to work on that though. :-)

Favorite Workouts?

The better question would be which workouts do I despise. HaHa…. Actually I really don’t have a favorite workout. I think the reason why I enjoy crossfit so much is because I like the variation. Giving me something different everyday would be my favorite!!

Any hobbies you have outside of the gym?

As long as I’m outdoors and most likely smiling. I enjoy camping, fishing, hiking and hunting with family & friends. Not much better than standing atop a 12,000 foot peak overlooking god’s creation after an exhausting hike with your camp on your back. I enjoy shooting guns, a good mountain bike ride and swinging the golf clubs as long as there is someone in the fairway to aim at. (Don’t be alarmed you are safe there) Most of all I enjoy spending my time with my wonderful son Colten!

Something about me that people at CVSC don’t know..

Well this is a big shocker especially for most that come to the 12:00 class so make sure you’re sitting down before you read this………. Deep down I truly do like and respect Jami and I have a hunch that she as well likes me. Ha Ha Ha!!!! I really like to smile and laugh so if I’m giving you a hard time don’t take offense as its all in fun.

Any words of advice for newer members at CVSC?

First off, have fun with it!!!! We all have different but similar goals. It’s much easier to meet and achieve your goals enjoying it along the way. You will not find better people to work hard and suceed with. Open up and introduce yourself to someone new as I truly feel like it is a big family. BT has a quote on the board that says “you can’t outwork a sh*tty diet”. It took me three years to finally understand this when at times I really thought I did. Ask questions and get this under control and you will be surprised at how fast you can see change. Work hard and push yourself! When your mind says stop your body can still take more.

Any other comments?

I would really like to thank BT, Jami, and all the trainers for giving so much to help us improve and succeed in meeting our goals. You guys truly are the best!!